One year we received permission irom COS 10 carry a Sugar Bowl game in which Ihe University ot Arkansas Razorbacks worn playing Since we had no AT&T microwave or coaxial television transmission lines the only way for Channel fi lo telecast Ihe game was to pick up the signal Irom Ihe Memphis CDS afliiiate and rebroadcast t*ie picture. Llecironic interference was very had near the studio and transmit- ter Our intrepid engineering department solved the proo'em oy fastening a home TV antenna to Ihe top ot a Vulk-.war^r. bus. driving ihe vehicle far out into Ihe woods, and running a cable back to our control room This Rube Goldberg ar rangement rmghi have worked il it had not rained in Jonesboro New Year's Day and if a passing hunicr had noi gotten his car stuck in the mud Close to Our bus The ignition noise Irom the ception And thousands ol Channel 0 viewers cursed and fumed until our two trusty cameramen sloshed through Ihe woods lo help push out the floundering automobile Once while I was directing a live wrestling show, the combatants decided to continue some real, unscripled vio- lence in my conlrol room ] Quickly or- dered lights and cameras to be turned in my direction and ducked tor safely under the switching console just as the hero administered the coup de grSce with a borrowed chan Nothing helped our wrestling ratings more than honest bloodshed But studios and control rooms were SIMAREST. IT CAN HELP MEAN THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SINUS SUFFERING AND FEELING BETTER AGAIN. Sinarest was made specifically for people who get sinus headaches and congestion. It was created by a research scientist who's suffered from sinus headaches nearly all his life. So he made it strong to be effective. And in less than a year it's become a leading brand. The basic idea behind Sinarest is to help relieve your headache pain fast. And to go to work on your swollen sinus cavities. To do this he used a pain reliever that's i easy on your stomach, a decongestant that | helps drain your sinus cavities and an antihistamine. He even added a mild energizer to help keep you from getting drowsy. Sinarest for sinus headache pain and the congestion that causes it. It can help mean the difference between suffering and feeling better again. film production market in Northeast | Arkansas. I was forced to employ an "auteur." or do-it-all. method of news- film production. After shooting the film story (usually a beauty pageant or a cheerleading clinic). I rushed back to the studio and developed the film in a hand-cranked processor. I then dried the wet. dripping mess by stringing the I film from lights in the studio. While j the film dried, I wrote the accompany- ing news copy and prepared to direct | the evening's first newscast. TV sta- tions just do not put together news programs that way any more. My memories of this type of rustic television are a mixture of chagrin, smiles and tremendous pride. During | my four-year apprenticeship in Arkan- sas television. I became an authority | on Wallace Beery movies. Roller Der- by, Veg-a-MatiCS. Highway Patrol re- runs, and chinchilla-ranch promotions. Much more important. I discovered that television in even its most backward, goshawfu! state exerts a powerful com- munications force The TV studio back in Jonesboro is Still out in the woods, but civilization I has begun to encroach in the form of | paved roads and real-estate subdivi sions. Channel 8 is now a prosperous, progressive ABC-affiliate station which | no longer has that quaint, anachro tic charm. And I suppose beginners there are no longer allowed all the mistakes I once made. Today—almost eight years after foul- ing up my first batch ol slides for | Channel 8—1 am still in the "glorious, show-biz world of television." But although my position as a film/video- tape producer for WFAA Productions I in Dallas affords me the opportunity t" use millions of dollars' worth of the I latest equipment, to travel throughout | the world and to work alongside some ot the top professionals in the industry. I sometimes miss the simple satisfac- tions and insanities of my first job back in Jonesboro.