Taking Lives was awful. It was slow, obvious, painfully acted by some of the cast, and the thrills and twists were almost laughable. I could see who the killer was from the very beginning. In fact, I thought they were setting us up to believe that he was the killer before I realized that I was supposed to believe that another guy was the killer. I finally figured out that I was believing the right guy and then they show me the real killer, who was the person I thought from the beginning.Confused? Don't worry. Anyone with half a brain will see right through this one. Angelina Jolie stars as a special agent who comes to Canada to help out the Montreal cops with a serial killer case. Ethan Hawke shows up as a witness and Keifer Sutherland is badly underused as a suspect. I think he gets 5 minutes of screen time and that's not enough for him. He sees more of the screen in Phone Booth, and that's saying something.In short, stay away from this one. It's awful, and dull. I am normally not good at guessing plot twists, but this one was so easy and predictable, my friend and I were laughing at it and begging for it to end.