Chalk this one up with Dodgeball and Starsky and Hutch as another in a string of dumb, low-concept little comedies of 2004. Of course, like those other two movies, this one's funny, and like Dodgeball, it works. Then again, like Hutch, barely and not all the time. I can't deny that Will Ferrell is emerging as a premier comic talent in his post-SNL days, and if you aren't laughing so hard you're wiping away tears - at least a few times - then check your pulse. Yes, this movie is stupid and yes, it draws on a pretty cardboard concept for 90 minutes. But Anchorman spruces things up occasionally with wacky, oddball little additions that don't make sense but are hilarious (a violent brawl of anchormen, involving great cameos, comes to mind). Will Ferrell's first movie as the total centerpiece (Elf was a kids movie, so it's on technicality) isn't as funny as the man himself, and it would have been better to completely embrace its stupidity like the slightly better Dodgeball. Luckily, though, there are enough moments of tear-inducing, knee-slapping comedy to keep this one afloat. By the way, the music freaking rocks. THE SOUNDTRACK: A+; THE MOVIE: B