The three lead actresses in this bland Hitchcockian soft-core, flesh extravaganza are Tracy Ryan(blonde), Nancy O'Brien (brunette), and Lauren Hays(redhead). Now then, they each show quite a lot of skin in this movie, but only Tracy Ryan seems interested in sustaining the interest of the audience when the lenses are not fogged over from all the steamy sequences. The idea that any man would cheat on Tracy Ryan, a bona-fide knockout with a gorgeous smile and a killer figure, borders on the realm of impossibility. However, Nancy O'Brien is certainly provocative enough for second thoughts, so this is not entirely unforgivable. But to cheat on Tracy with a noise-making female like Nancy O'Brien, while Tracy is downstairs having a glass of champagne, is just asking to be caught. Of course, the guy then lingers in the bedroom until his wife (Tracy) finds him alone and somehow assumes he just had a woman there(how intuitive). Still, this guy's pretty stupid for a high-priced lawyer. He doesn't deny anything. Then there was that other brunette at the party who had zero dialogue but was absolutely beautiful. She looked like a busty Phoebe Cates with long dark curls. Youch! She could have shown up on the doorstep selling Amway or something; then some more gratuitous hanky-panky could have ensued. Alas. The hot scenes that are here are memorable and the women look and act amazing! However, these same scenes would have been more believable if the guys had taken off their pants. There are three different scenes that leap to mind where the guys leave them on. Maybe they were getting lap-dances from the actresses? Not that I wanted to see the guys, mind you, but if everybody is naked it is much easier to suspend disbelief. Whenever there is a dull moment (i.e. there is no skin-on-skin-happening) the movie is incredibly boring. I was laughing out loud at the final, climactic scene, which ended up being rather anti-climactic and abrupt. It was filled with film noir melodrama and I couldn't help thinking aloud, "Who cares?!" If all you want from a soft core film are yummy females showing off their fantastic birthday suits, then this film is for you. If you want a story in addition to the latter suggestion check out "The Key to Sex (unrated)" for a scorcher of a film with acting, humor, and all the delicious females any man could want to see. Even "Night Calls: the movie 2" had both lovely females and a decent, often hilarious storyline. I spent too much money to get "Web of Seduction" after reading all the positive reviews here, and I was disappointed overall. There are better soft core films available. Not Recommended.