why does the first guy seam to think you need his take on this critically acclaimed movie im sure some one out ther whants to know if they sould sell ther old dvd and pick up this bluray all i can say is if your hard core dogs fan sure but this 15th anniversary disc dosent have what its little dvd gas can brother has and yet thers pepole that think bluray is the best 4 gb dvd lots of stuff 25 gb or 50 gb bluray dont realy know but dosent have all the stuff of the 4 gb dvd thats just lionsgate sticking it to you and bluray all im saying is if this was on hd dvd it would have all the dvd extras but its at a great price 19.99 thats much better than fox at abot 30 bucks i think lionsgate will start bringing out halfass older blurays for 19.99 and the newer stuff at 24.99 the new sound wont blow you away even on bluray keep all that in mind