(Visit our Facebook page for more interactive postings from classmates.)


Jonesboro (AR) High School

Class of 1964

(Commemorative brick outside JHS Performing Arts Center)


Front Row (l to r): Pete Gambill, Tom Phillips, Lynda Gayle Ray Phillips, Mary Beth Rupard, Gary Schilsler, Lynn Fair, Ray Pierson, Peggy Parker, Carol Jane Brown

2nd Row (l to r): Sharon Blair, Judy Kent, Donna Field, Velma Sellars, Caroline Poole, Linda DeBruce, Shirley Waln, Joe Brewer, Myra Blevins, Dick Darouse, Linda Kissinger, Jerry Hodges

3rd Row (l to r): E.J. Buhrmester, Wesley Kent, Alta Willett, Dick Tipton, Brenda Wise, Pat Montgomery, Ann Galloway, Michael Moore, Catherine Gambill, Connie Jones, Robert Jones, Kay Terrell, Dorothy Wellons (Gary Parr behind Dorothy), Ricki Broadaway

Back Row (l to r): Mike Cameron, Roy Ockert, George Willett, Harold Harvey, TBA, Jerry Orr, David Terrell, Bob Blair, Don Russina, TBA

Front Row (l to r): Mary Jo McNair, Joyce Pugh, Roger Ferguson, TBA, Gary Jones, Sandy Stanfield, Margaret Ann Matthis, Vicki Hummelstein

2nd Row (l to r): Paulette Croft, Barry Posey, Dianne Rogers, Suzanne Grace, Linda Brogdon, Lee Ann Sloan, Jill Herringer, Barbara Pruitt, TBA, Shirley Faulkner, Ron Faulkner

3rd Row (l to r): Bill Rogers, David Childers, Jerry Brogdon, Bonnie Cole, Maurice Hitt, Peggy Schultz, Ray Hall, Jr. Ron Dent

Back Row (l to r): Hal Field, Jim Kelley, Daniel Turner, Fred Schultz


More 50th Anniversary Reunion still photos at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/organize/?start_tab=one_set72157650134092301


Double click on the Group Photo to watch a montage of The Class of 1964:

Description: Description: jonesboro high school.tif

Click here for current Master Contact List for JHS Class of 1964.


50th Reunion Registration List:


Jennifer and John Allison

Gloria House and Bob Barnett

Sharon and Robert Blair

Joe Brewer

Ricki Broadaway

Linda and Jerry Brogdon

Myra Blevins and E.J. Buhrmester

Caroline and Mike Cameron

Karen Bond and Gary Chambers

David Childers

Linda Kissinger Counce

Peggy Parker and Dick Darouse

Sharon and Ronald Dent

Dr. Thomas Dickson

Lynn Fair

Shirley and Ron Faulkner

Hal Feild

Joyce Pugh Felts

Shirley Waln and Pete Gambill

Paul Haas

Barbara Pruitt and Dr. Ray Hall

Brenda Wise Schultz and Harold Harvey

Maurice Hitt

Jerry Hodges

Vickie Hummelstein and Lee Ann Sloan

Jill Heringer and Larry James

Linda Goodman Jobe

Gary Jones

Mary Beth Rupard and James Jones

Connie and Robert Jones

Linda DeBruce Keener

Sue and James Kelley

Judy Underwood and Larry Kimbrough

Jackie Wilson and Tom Lorenzo

Susanne Grace Miller

Carol Willett Moody

Catherina Gambill and Michael Moore

Pat Montgomery and Roy Ockert

Barbara and Jerry Orr

Margaret Ann Mathis and Pete Parenti

Dorothy Wellons and Gary Parr

Gayle Ray and Tom Phillips

Velma Sellars Pieri

Donna and Ray Pierson

Barry Posey

Toni and Gary Robert

Diane and Bill Rogers

Dr. Ann Galloway Ross

Barb and Don Russina

Gary Schisler

Peggy and Fred Schultz

Suzanne and Kenneth Scrape

Janna Banter Seats

Brenda and Kerry ÒSidÓ Snyder

Dr. Bernard ÒBernie/SandyÓ Stanfield

Kay and David Terrell

Dick Tipton

Paulette Croft and Tom Tull

Carol Jane Brown Watkins

Alta Faye and George Willett

Three Additional Registered Guests

Four Additional Classmates


(66 classmates & 39 guests)



In Memoriam

(with links to individual pages. Click here for ÒWe Will Remember YouÓ video.)


Rickey James Arnold

Rita Jean Arnold

Linda Hunter Baxter

Linda Dean Braden

J.R. Broadaway

Pam Byrd

Paul Carr

Joe Carrier

Joe Chambers

Donna Marie Clark

Carl Lemuel Cole

Jon Coleman

Ralph Cooper

Demetra Crews Cottingham

Ann Cranford

Camille Volkamer DiCosmo

Dewayne Etter

Donna Ann Feild

Jerry Feild

Warren Gallion

Robert Gambill

Ted Gott

Larry Edward Haynes

Pleasant Bordon Hensley

Hubert JamisonRobert Jobe

Chad Kail

Gail Knight Kessel

David Kiech

Dwain Lewis

Dan Loberg

Kathy Shepherd Martin

Sharon Manning Meyr

David Massey

Brenda Covington McCullars

Wesley Miller

Ronnie Minton

Susan Peeler

Barry Pruitt (Class of 1962)

Patricia Robinson

Anita Hays Sparrenberger

Van Stephens

Larry Dean Thomas

Loretta Hedger Vinson

Lonnie Walker

Karen Gregson Wallace

Bruce Williams

Hans Winters


Let me know if you have contact information for any of these classmates for whom we have partial—or NO—contact information:

Sharon Reynolds Birmingham                            

Betty Lou Christopher

Terry Davis

Rita Carroll Dean

Bonnie Leigh Grant

Linda  Henry

Deanna Kay Holaway

Jerry Wayne Johnson

Ann Jones    

Harold Moore          

Robert Jeffrey Turner         

Dianne Nance Weatherley           

Billie West    

Gay Williams                       

Della  Maywood Zak          

Gary Jones

Box 2991

Little Rock, AR 72201




(Scroll down for the Class of 1964 archives)

(2014 will be here before you know it. J)

Click here for 50th JHS Class of 1964 50th Reunion promo video on YouTube.


45th Reunion -- Saturday, June 6, 2009

Thanks to Ron and Shirley Ann Faulkner, Mike and Caroline Cameron, Barbara (Pruitt) and Dr. Ray Hall, Peggy (Parker) and Dick Darouse, Margaret Ann (Mathis) and Pete Parenti, Dr. Thomas Victor Dickson, Dick Tipton, Jones Film & Video, and many other classmates for their generous contributions.)

Additional photos and captions at this JHS Class of 1964 Facebook page



Here are some classmates and guests who showed up early and may not have been included in the group evening photos above

45th early birds photo.jpg

l to r: Dr. Sandy Stanfield, Marlene Lamar, Bobby McDaniel, Barbara Pruitt Hall, Lynn Fair, Dr. Ray Hall, Jr. Michael Moore, TBA, Faye Willett, George Willett, Ron Faulkner. (back row) Gary Jones and Tony Klepich.

LIST OF ATTENDEES AT 45th Reunion (please contact me if your name is missing):

Gloria (House) and Bob Barnett

Cheryl (Buzbee) Barnes

Camilla (Watkins) Barnes

Linda (Hunter)  Baxter

Ricki Broadaway

Mike and Caroline Cameron

Karen (Bond) and Gary Chambers

Linda (Kissinger) Counce

Ron and Sharon Dent

Dr. Thomas Victor Dickson

Lynn Fair

Ron and Shirley Ann (Atchison) Faulkner

Hal Feild

Jerry Feild

Warren Gallion

Jeanette (Stallings) Graham

Dorothy (Wellons) Grigsby

Joyce (Scarborough) Gurdian

Barbara (Pruitt) and Dr. Ray Hall

Brenda (Wise) and Harold Harvey

Ellen (Hall) Horne

Vicki Hummelstein

Jill (Heringer) and Larry James

Gary Jones

Robert and Connie (Sims) Jones

Linda (DeBruce) and Bob Keener

Marlene Lamar
and Tony Klepich           

Susan (Osborne) Loberg

Jackie (Wilson) and Tom Lorenzo

David Massey

Susanne (Grace) Miller

Michael Moore

Pat (Montgomery) and Roy Ockert (evening only)

Margaret Ann (Mathis) Parenti

Velma (Sellars) Pieri

Lynda Gayle (Ray) Phillips

Barry Posey

Olivia (LaFollette) Reddick

Dr. Carol Ann (Galloway) and Dan Ross

Donald and Barbara Russina

Dr. Bruce and Sally Sanderson

Fred and Peggy Schultz

Janna (Banter) Seats

Lee Ann (Hummelstein) Sloan (class of '67)

Kerry ÒSidÓ and Brenda Snyder

Dr. Sandy Stanfield

Richard Tipton

Bonnie (Cole) and Danny Turner

George and Faye Willett

Anna Jean (Keith) Wortham

40th Reunion – 2004

Other photos from the 40th:



Gary Jones

Box 2991

Little Rock, AR 72201

